How many times have you really wanted to make a change and after some time, you find yourself back to square one? Or perhaps wondering – why can’t I change this for good? The struggle is real. 

I have had a long, long relationship with cycles – and my desire to understand why we do what we do. As a trainer, people come with all kinds of goals and desires. The one thing most of us have in common is: why have I struggled to change this area of my life after trying so many times?

It took quite a few hits and falls to finally realise – using sheer will power isn’t going to cut it anymore. I needed something more substantial.

We have been taught since we were young (think about it) that to succeed in our life endeavors it requires willpower. And yes. Action and discipline is paramount to our success. In fact, it’s vital.

But what most of us probably weren’t taught is that to break cycles it requires a renewing of our MIND. A total rewiring of our patterns and ways of thinking. And more often than not, this rewriting of our mind means delving deep into our past.

And that my friend, is not about willpower but a different energy altogether.

You see, our pasts look different from one another. Sure we may have similar circumstances and we may understand one another to an extent, but no one is in your mind and no one is in mine. It’s virtually impossible for you to really know my mind – and every aspect of my mind. As it’s impossible for me to know yours.

The best person to get to know you and your mind is YOU. This means you have more power within yourself than you recognise – and it’s not due to willpower. It’s also not dependant on what others tell you to do and how to live.

Willpower only gets us so far

Why do we make changes and then find ourselves going back to old ways or struggling with habits we don’t particularly want in our life?

Yes, there are principles we can live by when it comes to health and fitness.

Some healthy principles are:

  • Eating plant-based foods that are nutritious – every day
  • Exercising on a daily basis
  • Praying or mediating
  • Self-care

It is important to implement these disciplines into our life for a wholesome foundation. But it doesn’t stop there.

Some of us need to dive deeply into our past and face things in order to be free and move forward without the anchor of shame or mistakes.

Some of us need to heal from things due to being mistreated, and therefore learning survival habits in order to cope (hello food addiction, drugs, alcohol, toxic relationships etc.).

Some of us haven’t experienced wholesome unconditional love so we don’t know how to love and treat ourselves well. Falling back into old habits or being in punishing relationships is perhaps what we are accustomed too, and all we believe we deserve.

The past matters when it comes to fitness, weight loss and overall health. Understanding where you come from and why you are the way you are is part of understanding yourself on all levels – mind, body and soul.

When you know who you are and how your mind works, even the teachings provided to you at one point do not serve you now – you will have a far better chance at succeeding in your goals than relying on just willpower.

When we have the courage to go deep within and face the parts of ourselves we want to lock away because it may be too uncomfortable or painful to face, the freedom and wellness we seek await us.